At ANCHOR, massage isn’t just about relaxation.

Though relaxation is an important component in every massage, ANCHOR registered massage therapists treat with clinical purpose and with relaxation in mind.

Massage Therapy Keswick

Our goal is to heal, to treat, and to keep you feeling strong + healthy. Expect each therapeutic visit to leave you feeling refreshed, with a treatment plan moving forward to keep you feeling that way. We might be biased but we think we have the best RMTs in Georgina!



Keswick Physio


Kurtis discovered his passion for exercise at a young age. Growing up on a farm in Ontario gave Kurtis exposure to a wide variety of physical activities and youth sports. As an only child living in a rural area, sports participation developed from team school sports (soccer, baseball) to individual sports such as mountain biking & competitive downhill skiing.  After sustaining an injury in 2009, Kurtis used movement and exercise to rehabilitate his body so that he could continue to do the things he enjoyed. In the process of returning to the sport, Kurtis fell in love with nutrition & weight training, as he continued to learn about his body and how to train to perform better.

In 2013, Kurtis moved to Toronto to pursue an education at the University of Toronto for a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology. During the time spent at the University of Toronto, Kurtis had the opportunity to serve as an intern coach for two professional placements. Kurtis spent a year with the University of Toronto Varsity Blues Strength & Conditioning Team, working as a Placement Strength & Conditioning Coach, assisting in the creation/prescription of training programs for the Hockey, Football and Rugby Team. Kurtis experienced his second major injury while participating in the University of Toronto Ironsports Powerlifting 3-Lift Classic. While rehabbing his body, Kurtis decided he wanted to help others learn about how to restore, maintain & improve their bodies. 

The combination of these experiences led Kurtis to become a personal trainer. During the 2 years Kurtis spent working as a full-time personal trainer, he completed the NSCA exam to become a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and completed the training to become a Level 1 Fascial Stretch Therapist.

After realizing the importance of balancing exercise with an effective recovery, Kurtis was inspired to further his skillset once again to become a Registered Massage Therapist. In 2022, Kurtis graduated from Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy, with a goal to better serve his future clients exercise & wellness goals through blending his understanding of human movement, sports performance and hands on recovery techniques.



Rebecca graduated from Sutherland-Chan Massage Therapy school in 2015. Through her school outreach, she has gained experience working with spinal cord injury, high-risk pregnancy, and pre - and post surgical care. She is passionate about using Massage Therapy techniques to help her patients recover faster and achieve their treatment goals.

As a Massage Therapist, she uses a variety of techniques to cater to every patient’s needs, including: deep tissue, relaxation, pregnancy, trigger points, hydrotherapy, and scraping. She has continued her education with courses in Prenatal and Postpartum Massage, Hot Stone and Aromatherapy, and Thai Massage.

Rebecca has a passion for Massage and strives to help her clients treat stress related concerns, acute and chronic pain, or simply a relaxing Therapeutic Massage in a comfortable stress free environment.


Erick Lacey, RMT

Erick is an honours graduate from Centennial College where he received his Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy in 2023. He also majored and obtained an Associate’s Degree in Exercise Science while studying abroad and playing NJCAA Division II baseball at North Iowa Area Community College in 2015. While still having a love and passion for the sport, Erick looks to remain involved in the athletic community and provide massage therapy treatments for various athletes who are either looking for injury prevention or improvement.

During his education, Erick has experience treating various nerve compression syndromes: Thoracic outlet syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Piriformis syndrome. He’s able to achieve this using various techniques like deep tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, strain-counter strain and both PNF and PIR stretching. Additionally, Erick also has experience treating TMJ dysfunction via intraoral massage. 

Erick is excited and committed to bringing the best care to his clients in order to improve their quality of life and return to their regular daily routines free of concern.